Sawyer sticks his tounge out like this all of the time. He thinks he is cute for some reason...
I mentioned "my 7 month old" to a couple of parents from my classroom the other day. "Oh no, it hasn't really been 7 months has it?" Hearing her say 7 months really made me pause a minute. Really, it has been 7 months, more than half a year. Then she mentioned that her son is turning 18 in just a few weeks and she is in shock over being a parent to two adult children. I did the less than thirty-one seven month periods, I will be a mother to an ADULT CHILD! I am in shock as well. I know what my Mom is thinking..."Andrea, you are so neurotic, of course you would think of it this way."
Sawyer has learned to put himself to sleep by crying it out. There was a time when I thought this might be cruel but I truly believe that cry it out is the way to go in our situation. It was not as painful as I had prepared myself for. He cried for just under an hour the first night, five minutes the second night, and 15 minutes the third night. The real shocker is that I told them at day-care to let him cry for up to an hour to go to sleep. I thought the lead teacher might slap me she looked so stunned. But anyway, Sawyer hasn't cried at all to go to sleep at daycare! He is sleeping more and that means I sleep more, AND we are both very happy...
Making for great smiles like the ones in these pictures!
Go Panthers!
Anyway, as I was saying...